Photo shoot
@Sam, Andrew, Emman, Rivers, and Matt. Can you spot the sixth?
Portrait shots are my favorite type of photo to take. Most of these are taken with the Sigma f1.6 16mm lens.
@Sam, Andrew, Emman, Rivers, and Matt. Can you spot the sixth?
@Sam, Rivers, and Andrew
@Sam, Rivers, and Andrew
@Alyssa and dad, Harriman State Park
@Bryan. Photo credits to Rivers
In quis vulputate dui. Maecenas metus elit, dictum praesent lacinia lacus.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus ac tincidunt dolor.
Ut sed magna euismod leo laoreet congue. Fusce congue enim ultricies.
Feugiat auctor leo massa, nec vestibulum nisl erat faucibus, rutrum nulla.