Hanging Rock State Park
Here are some of my favorite landscape shots. I'm looking to get more experience with this type of photography once we are able to travel again.
View of NYC obscured after winter storms
One of my first photos, kit lens. Experimented with long exposure.
Downtown Ridgewood in the foreground, NYC in the background. Taken with kit lens, f/11.
Hadn't yet learned to use a tripod with long exposure and low ISO, but the colors on this night were beautiful.
Took this with my new lens, f/1.4. In the background you can see Wake Forest Baptist Health
Taken in downtown Winston-Salem using Sigma f/1.4 16mm lens. The light pollution partially obscures the view but this new lens is able to make out more than the naked eye can see.
Wake Forest Innovation Quarter in the midground with the skyline of Winston-Salem. f/9 with 1/50 exposure
In quis vulputate dui. Maecenas metus elit, dictum praesent lacinia lacus.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus ac tincidunt dolor.
Ut sed magna euismod leo laoreet congue. Fusce congue enim ultricies.
Feugiat auctor leo massa, nec vestibulum nisl erat faucibus, rutrum nulla.